Saturday, October 26, 2013

Week Four

Wow this week has gone by quickly!  This Thursday it's Halloween, then in a blink of an eye it will be Thanksgiving!  Time is flying by and I am enjoying everyday...the picture below is from this morning.  It's taken from my balcony facing a nearby hill which the fog has blocked.

With working out daily my body has been sore almost constantly and I couldn't figure out why.  I haven't been pushing myself too hard, in fact I feel that I've been at a very easy level of workout but the pain is daily.  It's mostly my lower back and right knee that is in pain.  Even though it's been rough I've been working out and stretching hoping something would change soon so then I wouldn't need Tylenol or ice.  Then I watched an awesome clip online. 

I'm a big fan of TLC channel and love their shows, one of their shows is called Sister Wives which is about a polygamist family.  While I don't believe in there religion that calls for more than one wife (I love my monogamous marriage) I do enjoy watching their show.  It's just fun to watch a show about something so different from my everyday life.  One of the women on the show is named Janelle and she is overweight and on a life journey to become healthy.  I really relate to her ups and downs in fitness and eating as I have been there too.  Well on the TLC website she posted a video about a workout she did to prepare her body for regular workout

I think I have the same problem she did.  I did the workout she suggested and it didn't hurt my back. Yay!!! The workout is a hip thrust: laying on the floor with your knees bent and your arms out to your side at a 45 degree angle you lift your rear off the ground to where the top half of your body is a straight line (not straight up, it's more diagonal) lower to almost touching the ground then lift again.  It's supposed to help your back posture if you have any curve due to a large stomach or sitting for long periods at work or home. 

I also did the hip rotation exercise and the plank.  The great thing is my back and knee feel normal!!!  I'm going to do these three workouts daily mixed with walking only for the next few weeks until I feel my body is up to a more strenuous fitness regime. 

This week I have met my goals of workout, drinking water and eating healthy.  My goals for week four are to maintain my goals from last week.  This healthy lifestyle is not an overnight change but it will be a permanent change. 

On a fun note my tomato plant is growing cute little cherry tomatoes!  I am LOVING watching them grow each day :-)  Also want to share a pic of my fun dinner last night, steak salad!  My wife prepared the lettuce, I cut the carrots and prepared a healthy portion of steak for each of us.  It was yummy!

I hope everyone had a fabulous week. Next weekend I will post pictures of my pumpkin carving adventure.  Here's to week four!

PS...are there any workout outs that you enjoy best?  Share below :-)

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