Sunday, November 10, 2013

Late: Week Five

Sorry this blog is a week late!  It's been a busy and fun couple weeks.  To recap we had Halloween which was a lot of fun.  I carved the pumpkin which was smelly and messy and awesome.  My wife and I put out candy for the kids so they didn't have to walk up the stairs to get to our door...and then a few hours later when we checked someone had taken not only the candy but the nice purple bowl that held the candy.  Gotta love it :/

I stayed on target with my goals...however I had an injury at the beginning of the week.  I worked out too hard and didn't stop when my body told me to and I ended up with a sore hip, sore knees and shin splints.  Sooo it took t to recover from that and be able to walk normally.  Luckily I have an amazing wife who kept bringing me my water so I met my daily water goal lol. 

I decided awhile back that instead of getting a "reward" at the end of each week for meeting my goals that I would wait until five weeks had passed and get a bigger reward.  So check out the blog that will be titled "Weigh In and Week Six" for the pictures of that reward.  For now here are the pictures of the pumpkin carving extravaganza :-)

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