Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weigh In and Week Six

 I have accomplished FIVE weeks of the forty week plan which means it's weigh in time!  YAY! I can say that I feel healthier already.  Going up and down the stairs to our home isn't as hard as it was at the beginning, my knees hurt MUCH less and I feel that I have more energy.  I really feel that drinking more water has been well as doing exercises that help my body prepare for working out.  I'll put the link here to a workout that I found online from a woman I spoke of before named Janelle who is on TV and in the midst of a healthy lifestyle change herself.

The fun thing about the weigh in was that it was on my monthly anniversary weekend!  (Again, I'm a newlywed so I celebrate each month on the 9th).  I was very nervous to weigh in, my loving wife was with me and she didn't look which was very nice cuz I'm not ready for her to know my weight.  However, I am happy to report that I have lost TWELVE pounds.  Not bad for five weeks.

The 1st pic is the one I posted under Week One, the 2nd pic is the one I took this weekend.  I tried to get them as close to the same in size and position as possible.  We even tried taking some photos outside but they came out way too bright to see my face.  So here is my 12 pound loss photo comparison, personally I see the change in my face a little as well as in my arms and waist. Oh and I had to wear the shrug because it is the fall season and cold even indoors.

My wife and I went shopping at Target and found the cute baby items we wanted to buy.  We chose a couple fancy pairs of socks: one is striped and the other has a dinosaur on it which we both loved.  We look through all of the rattles to find an "old school" one but we just could find it so we chose one that went with a theme of Ocean which we right now agree upon.  My wife then suggested we look at maternity clothes and price them, she found an awesome purple maternity top that we got on clearance which I can't wait to wear!  The other "baby" item we have are flashcards...yah I know it isn't really a baby item but my wife wants our kids to have Presidential flashcards that include President Obama.  I think it's really cute :-)

To celebrate our anniversary my wife and I went to Barnes and Knobles and picked out a winter puzzle by Jane Wooster Scott, a puzzle artist that I love.  We do one puzzle a month which is a really fun activity to do as a couple.  We also went out to eat at the chinese restaurant we went to on our honeymoon, very romantic!!!  I am very lucky to have a wife that is both romantic and practical.  I love every side of her.  On a cute note my wife never did enjoy taking pictures in public so it was really sweet that she took pictures of me in public for the comparison photo and had fun with it, such a bummer that the sun was so bright.

To close this post I will state that my goals this week are to drink four glasses of water which with my size of drinking glasses will meet the 64 ounces of water each day.  I will also be on the gazelle which is a type of elliptical each day burning at minimum 50 calories but hopefully more than 100.  Also, I will start an arm workout daily because I'm loving the change I see in my arms and want it to continue!

Here's to week six!

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