Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week Two

It's week two! One week down and thirty-nine more to go.  The hardest obstacle this past week was the weather, it's very cold. I can only speak for myself but the cold weather makes me want to curl up under a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and read a book. It definitely does NOT make me want to go outside for a walk...especially on the day it rained here. I did keep to my goal of three glasses of water despite the cold weather. The fruits and veggies I have eaten have all been served cold, however I stocked up on some canned veggies to keep me warm.

A little about my life, I love to grow things, edible if possible and I am growing spinach at the moment.  A surprise for the past week was I got to see my spinach plants burst from the ground,it is supposed to take 38 days from seed to harvest.  I am also growing cherry tomatoes.  I thought the spinach and cherry tomatoes would make for a healthy and tasty salad. 

This past week I have enjoyed celebrating my monthly anniversary of marriage (I'm a newlywed so I celebrate each month on the 9th).  Looking back I remember wanting to be married so very badly, I hated being single.  I briefly stayed with my brother, his wife and two kids. Watching my oldest brother and his wife laugh and share their day made me realize I wanted someone who I could talk to like that each day.  I wanted a friend not just a romantic relationship. Someone who I would want to be with on happy, sad, grumpy, mad or sick days for the next fifty or so years.  Thankfully that desire lead to me meeting my wife and I can say that my wife is my best friend. Each day we have things to talk and laugh about with each other.  I'm a very lucky woman to have such a wonderful best friend who loves me and supports me in all my life goals!

My goal for this week is to do some form of workout each day. I have a gazelle machine in my place so that is one option which is easy on the knees. Another option I may include in this weeks workout is yoga and sit-ups. I took a yoga class a few years ago and really enjoyed the workout, you are left feeling tired yet peaceful. Wonderful feeling.  Hopefully this cold weather eases up a little so I can enjoy a walk outside.  :-)

I hope everyone has a marvelous week! Here's to week two!

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